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Customer Satisfaction

StakeholderEngagement BlueberryMS


Research has found that 80% of businesses believe they deliver a superior customer experience, whilst only 8% of customers agreed.

Unhappy customers can be a major problem for businesses, both from a customer service point of view, but also for any future prospecting. Word of mouth can be an extremely powerful tool, so make sure your customers are shouting your praises!

Measuring customer satisfaction is critical to identify any challenges from keeping your customers content. Customer research will provide you with insight into the effectiveness of your service and customer experiences, whilst also playing a role in deepening customer engagement and value.

We have experience across sectors, collecting customer satisfaction surveys as well as lapsed customer feedback through a variety of research methods. We also provide market research for any product development or new products or services you’re implementing into your business.

We support the whole survey process, from developing a custom survey to collecting feedback itself, delivering it by telephone, post and email and analysing and interrogating the information generated.

We work with you to understand any priorities or challenges within your business and ensure we provide both quantitative and qualitative insights which can help inform your future marketing strategies.

Call us on 0113 487 7013 or contact us here for more information on how we can help ensure you achieve a data set of satisfied customers. You can also find out more about how we helped one of the UK’s largest timber and builders merchants improve their services through customer reseach.