The profile of your data can make or break the success of your marketing campaign. You only get back what you put in, and up to date, professionally sourced data is an essential part of this.
You can design and create the best direct mail or email marketing campaign, but if it isn’t seen by your intended target market, then it will be a waste of your time and resources.
We work with trusted data suppliers to source the most appropriate marketing database. Whether this is for an upcoming telemarketing campaign, an email mailer, or just to refresh your current prospect list.
We have a dedicated team which can advise you on what data to purchase and utilise internal data profiling tools to ensure we’re acquiring the most relevant business intelligence for your offering. We can then anaylse your current database to model the right data profile, or segment a database which reflects your objectives.
If you rely on purchased data at the moment, you’ll need to ensure data is GDPR compliant. Please speak to our data team on 0113 487 7013 or contact us here to discuss how GDPR affects you. Alternatively, take a look at our advice piece of whether to buy or build your marketing database.